Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Over the past 3 months, I have been putting time and energy into training. I was, and still am very focused on getting back my strength for climbing. I must say that having a 3 months season pass to Climb Asia totally rocks! Almost feels like climbing for free! Even if I do pay for it, I will ensure that i get the most out of it. After climbing with the strong people, I do feel that I have upped my game by a few teeny weeny notches. Power 1, weight 0

Over the past 4 months, I have also been training like a mad dog to pursue 3 goals that are related to running. Number 1: IPPT GOLD before my birthday. Number 2: IPPT GOLD after my birthday. Number 3: Complete a Full Marathon (28 May 2011) in 5 hrs. Ultimately, I just wanted to see for myself if constant running helped at all in reducing my weight because my primary concern is still POWER to WEIGHT ratio.

Running did help to reduce my weight a little. But it has never gone down to my ideal body mass 55kg and below. My weight hovers between 57kg and 59kg. Personally I know that I have quite a propensity of putting on muscular mass without actually work that hard. But with all the climbing related training I have been doing, I realised that I need to work on my opposing muscles as well. In doing so, my body has bulked up quite a bit that I dare not step on the weighing scale. My guess is 59kg at least. Power 1, Weight 1.

Honestly, I'm at a lost. What kind of training suits me? I am doing too little or too much of something? Or am I just completely wrong? I am definitely improving, but is it cause I have been climbing at the same place for a long time? Will I fumble if I go back to say, NUS to climb? So many questions. Probably a million different answers.

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